App Ideas

I wanted to see how easy it would be to convert some of my data analysis into an interactive app, and publish it online using R. I've been working with car data from the UK government's MOT database (annual road safety tests), so I thought I'd take a snapshot of my analysis and turn it into an interactive app using R shiny.

This app:

  • Takes your car registration number
  • Queries the government database using an API
  • Unpacks and processes the relevant data
  • Generates some useful features e.g. average mileage, number of MOT failures etc.

This is just a small part of the analysis I've been doing with the whole dataset of all MOT tests, so if this is of interest, please reach out for a chat. As this is just a demo of what can easily be built in R shiny, please don't rely on the accuracy of the outputs. I've done some testing, and have made some assumptions where data is incomplete.

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